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Alt 14.04.2006, 09:10   #1
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Flag:EN "Neuer Hindutempel in Malang/Java"

Quelle:Aus der Jakartapost vom 14.04.2006

Link zum Original:

Towering Hindu temple reaches new heights in Malang

Hindus living outside the religion's enclave of Bali now have their own reason to be proud -- the tallest temple in Java.
The 11-meter-high temple, built at a cost of Rp 40 million (US$4,324) in Karangpandan village, Pakisaji district, Malang, East Java, was inaugurated Wednesday by Hindu priest Singgih Pandita Panaya Nirmala.
The temple, which has five levels, was built in a month by Tamadi, a sculptor from the East Java city of Blitar.
Tri Budi Wibowo, chairman of the temple's inauguration ceremony committee, said the operation of the new house of worship was warmly received by Hindus in Malang and other cities.
There are two other Hindu temples in East Java: Mandara Giri Temple in Semeru mountain in Lumajang and Mertha Jati Temple in Bale Kambang in South Malang.
"We used to have to go farther away to the Mertha Jati and Mandara Giri temples, but now can pray here," Yanto, who lives nearby, said.
Malang Regent Sujud Syukur and representatives of other religions were scheduled to attend a reception for the inauguration of the temple Wednesday evening. (JP/Wahyoe Boediwardhana)
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